Having practiced Clinical Aromatherapy for 27 years now, I realised how little I knew about the power of essential oils and its benefits. I am thankful to my mentors, teachers, colleagues who made me aware of the full potential and power of Alternative therapies, and who helped me acquire the required knowledge skills I needed, to be where I am today. They empowered me to share that knowledge with many others in my career as a Clinical practitioner of Aromatherapy and Integrated therapies.
I have studied other sciences in the Alternative fields after completing Clinical Aromatherapy, my journey took me to study Kinesiology (Touch for Health), Clinical Hypnotherapy, Master NLP Practitioner, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, The Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu Healing, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Regression sessions, Rebirthing and multiple levels of Therapeutic Massage training. I have studied with Dr. Brian Weiss, Gregg Braden, Anita Moorjani to name a few.
The more I applied the fundamentals of natural therapies, the more I was convinced of their powerful effects it had on me and my clients. The more I saw them shift at my practice, and that encouraged me to pursue this further, and offer these services to others, who want to learn and practice. I can honestly share my experience of the benefits of these principles from my heart. The fundamentals of natural therapies are not new, they have been around for thousands of years. These fundamentals when applied will not only improve your health, but also improve all other areas in your life, such as wealth and happiness. It is amazing to see how your body responds when it is given the right ingredients and messages such as love, respect and due care. I am truly passionate about these theories and I have seen that they do bring miracles in people’s lives. I am so excited to share this knowledge and skill that will trigger your innate ability to heal, maintain good health and bring you everything you want in your life.
I believe in a well-rounded approach to holistic health and so emphasis on both western and eastern sciences, and the art of natural healing.
I am proud and honoured to be able to publish my first chapter in a book called ‘She is Remarkable’. This book has been written by 29 amazing women about their struggles in life and how they overcame these obstacles to be who they are today. A must read and available to order https://experts.market/ebooks/she-is-remarkable
If you like me, have a passion of healing and want to embark on a rewarding life journey, to help yourself and others, I personally invite you to experience these various methods of therapies and see for yourself how powerful they are.
For some of you interested in learning these arts and would like to embark on a journey of studies, we offer short courses in Aromatherapy, Jin Shin Jyutsu self-help classes, multiple modalities of practical therapeutic massage training, Reflexology, Manual lymphatic drainage and much more.
For those who would like to attain a diploma in Clinical Aromatherapy then we offer accredited courses from The International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists UK and (NAHA) The National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy USA. These can be found on our website www.theholisticalternatives.org
I sincerely wish you great health, happiness and abundance, may you get everything you truly deserve in your life.
“ Looking for alternatives to Allopathic treatments for my young children, aged parents, workaholic husband and myself, I chanced upon Sunita online. My first experience was for urgent support for a violent onset of adult acne. Sunita was calmly reassuring but very sincere and realistic about what to expect. Besides the maturity of her professional capabilities, her intuitive abilities are undeniable and inspirational.”
“Sunita is an excellent teacher. Her methodology prepares the student for not only sucessfully passing the exams but for their working life and this is beyond and above in how similar institutions prepare their students. Her personal experience in the field of aromatherapy and business is invaluable while delivering the IFPA course. Her attention to detail demand the students to really step up their efforts and her expectations are high when it comes to evaluating her students.”
“Sunita is considered the god-mother of holistic healing in the UAE. Over the last decade, Sunita organized well attended training workshops led by international renowned healers, coaches, and spiritual masters. She brought this gift to us here in Dubai to which we will always remain grateful. Sunita's persistence, dedication, creativity and commitment, is behind the creation of The Holistic Institute. An Institute that will be cater to every aspect of holistic well-being in our lives.”
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