A Time to Reflect
Well, we made it through January 2022 already, that was super quick, don't you think so!!! Time seriously is moving at an extremely fast pace...
I am super excited about February, there is so much happening here as usual and the weather is absolutely divine, I love this time of the year. Have any of you noticed that the bird population in the U.A.E has tripled or more. I have noticed some amazing species of birds, and it's such a lovely melody early mornings and sunset. We have a group of parrots living on our tree and they are fascinating to watch, this gives me immense pleasure and comfort.
As you all know we are living in trying times, everyone I know has got Covid or are overcoming it. I finished my quarantine a week ago and am glad it's over as it was not a very pleasant experience. This takes me to our precious natures pharmacy, essential oils and how blessed I am to have studied these powerful substances as it helped me along with my body aches and pains, cough, cold, runny nose, you name it I had it. I am still trying to get my taste buds back, however I have regained my smell, thanks to essential oils. Did you know that when you loose your sense of smell essential oils of Peppermint are excellent to help you regain your sense of smell pretty much instantaneously. I am perfect now and back to normal and still continue to use essential oils on a daily basis to make sure my immune system is boosted.
For the month of February we will be discussing a lot about the 'Safe use of Essential Oils'. There are so many people who buy essential oils yet do not know what the correct dosage is for their use, specially when it comes to treating the elderly, children and pregnancies. So keep a look out on our social media for some tips on how safety is of the utmost importance, when it comes to making the correct blend with the right dosage for that particular age group. Please also note not to drink essential oils as it will burn your stomach lining. Safety is so important, let us not abuse what nature has given us to help protect and heal our day to day issues.
I am offering my services in 'Regression Sessions' at a lower rate to help support any of you who may be interested to come in and have a chat. Whatever it may be, maybe you want to reach a particular goal which you just can't, or you procrastinate a lot, whatever it may be, I am here and happy to help. Wishing you all well, be happy and keep smiling...