
Angelica root (Angelica archangelica).jpg

Angelica root (Angelica archangelic)

This oil is great for the skin conditions to treat fungal infections, psoriasis, irritated skin. For circulatory acts well as a blood thinner, smokers cough, asthma. Great for boosting the immune system, detoxifies and cleanses. Helps with digestive disorders like spasms and more. Emotionally it helps with heartache and promote balance in life.

Basil - Ocimum basilicum.jpg

Basil (Ocimum basilicum)

Nerve tonic, good for mental clarity, migraine, anxiety and respiratory problems.

Birch white - Betula alba.jpg

Birch White (Betula alba)

Good oil to use to rid the body of toxins, cellulite, deem, poor circulation and obesity

Camphor (cinnamomum camphora).jpg

Camphor (Cinnamomum camphora)

A strong oil helps with respiratory issues like bronchitis and pneumonia, boosts immune system. It is a pain relief for the muscular system. Helps with eczema, insect bites and itchy skin conditions. Has been useful to treat acne and fungus and famous for treating head lice. It stimulates hair growth and induces sleep. (Avoid during pregnancy, babies and children and if you have sensitive skin)

Cardamon - Elettaria cardamomum.jpg

Cardamon (Elettaria cardamomum)

Excellent for digestive problems like colic, cramps, flatulence, heartburn and indigestion. Good for mental fatigue as well

Chamomile cape - Eriocephalus punctulatus.jpg

Chamomile Cape (Eriocephalus punctuatus)

Has sedative and refreshing qualities. Excellent to treat insomnia, depression, neuralgia, inflammation of the skin, musculoskeletal issues and more

Cinnamon - Cinnamomum zeylanicum.jpg

Cinnamon Leaf (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)

Excellent for treating lice, scabies, tooth and gum care, warts, wasp stings. Rheumatism, poor circulation, chills, flu and exhaustion (Use in moderation, can be a skin irritant. Avoid during pregnancy)

Clove leaf - eugenia caryophyllata.jpeg

Clove Leaf (Eugenia caryophyllus)

Treatment of acne, athletes foot, bruises, burns, cuts, toothache and wounds. Helpful for the treatment of arthritis, sprains, bronchitis and asthma (Use in moderation - derma-caustic)

Cumin - Cuminum cyminum.jpg

Cumin (Cuminum cyminum)

Used for accumulation of fluids and toxins helps eliminate them. Good for the digestive system, stomach muscle spasms, indigestion. Helps with migraine and headaches (Photo-toxic. Avoid in pregnancy)

Chamomile Blue (Matricaria recutita).jpg

Chamomile Blue (Matricaria chamomilla)

This is a strong oil, blue in color, helps with insomnia, migraines and for the skin it helps acne rosacea, dermatitis, sensitive skin, leg and skin ulcers, infected skin and gout. For the muscles it is excellent for treating arthritis, inflammation in the joints. It aids digestive issues and reproductive disorders. 

Eucalyptus lemon - Eucalyptis citriodora.jpg

Eucalyptus lemon (Eucalyptus citriodora)

Excellent for fungal infections, cuts, dandruff, sores and wounds. Useful in treating asthma and sore throat. Beneficial for colds, flu, infectious skin conditions like chicken pox. (Not compatible with homeopathy)

Fennel sweet - Foeniculum vulgare.jpg

Fennel sweet (Foeniculum vulgare)

good for dull oily mature complexions, bruises, cellulite, obesity and oedema. Useful fore the respiratory tract and digestive system. Also helpful during menopausal issues. (Avoid in Pregnancy, babies and young children. Avoid using when breast feeding, if you suffer from endometriosis and oestrogen-dependant cancers. Avoid if epileptic)

Giner - Zingiber officinalis.jpg

Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

Excellent treatment for Arthritis, muscular pain, fatigued body, coughs, sinus, sore throat, cold, chills, flu, infectious diseases and colds. Good for stomach cramps, indigestion and nausea. Very warming (Take care when taking anti-coagulants, slightly phototoxic)

Hyssop - Hysspous officinalis.JPG

Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis)

Useful to treat bruises, cuts, eczema and wounds. Low blood pressure, rheumatism, sore throats, bronchitis, coughs, colic, fatigue, anxiety and stress (Avoid in pregnancy, epilepsy and high blood pressure)

Kanuka - kunzea ericoides.jpeg

Kanuka (Kunzea ericoides)

Positive mood enhancer, mental stimulant. Stabilises the skin. Wound healing, regenerating tired minds. Considered a digestive stimulant. Good for treating sore throat and influenza.

Lemongrass - cymbopogon flexosus.jpg

Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus)

Helps with acne, athletes foot, excessive perspiration. Good for indigestion. Helps with fevers and infectious diseases, headaches and stress. A good insect repellant. (Avoid in pregnancy, babies and children)

Manuka - Leptospermum scoparium.jpg

Manuka (Leptospermum scoparium)

Positive mood enhancer, mental stimulant. Settles skin irritation, scars, regenerating for skin, fungal infections, ringworms, cold sores, a great sleep aid

Melissa Pure - Melissa officinalis.jpeg

Melissa pure (Melissa officinalis)

Excellent for allergies, eczema, asthma, bronchitis, chronic coughs, indigestion, nausea and menstrual problems. A very valuable oil to treat depression, anxiety and shock. (Avoid in pregnancy)

Neroli - Citrus aurantium .jpg

Neroli pure (Citrus aurantium)

Excellent for scars, stretch marks. Enhances skin conditions, useful for all skin types. One of the best oils to treat anxiety, depression, shock and emotional states.

Orange sweet - citrus sinensis.jpg

Orange sweet (Citrus sinensis)

Excellent for dull and oily complexion, mouth ulcers, obesity, water retention, bronchitis, chills, cold, flu and constipation. Helps nervous system and boost immunity

Parsley  seed - petroselinum sativum.jpeg

Parsley seed (Petroselinum sativum)

Useful to rid body of excess toxins. Treating arthritis, cellulite, colic, ingestions. Helpful for urinary tract infections and cystitis. (Avoid in pregnancy)

Petitgraine - citrus aurantium petitgraine.jpg

Petitgrain orange (Citrus aurantium)

Treats acne, excessive perspiration, oily skin and hair. Helps with mental fatigue, insomnia, panic. Good for cardiovascular and digestive issues.

Rosemary - Rosmarinus officinalis.jpg

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)

Great for hair growth, stimulates the scalp. Helps with varicose veins, muscular pains, headaches. Amazing for mental fatigue and nervous exhaustion. God for all respiratory conditions. Avoid in pregnancy, epilepsy and high blood pressure)

Sage - Salvia officinalis.jpg

Sage (Salvia officinalis)

Treats acne, dandruff, dermatitis, excessive perspiration, hair loss and sores. Helps with fluid retention, rheumatism, muscular aches and pains. (Avoid in pregnancy, epilepsy, high blood pressure)

Spearmint - mentha spicata.jpg

Spearmint Mentha spicata)

Stimulating and uplifting oil. Great for tired mind, similar to peppermint though less harsh on the skin. Great for joint aches and pains. Stomach smoother, relives hiccups, helps nausea. (Avoid in pregnancy and lactating women)

Spruce black (Picea mariana).jpeg

Spruce black (Picea Mariana)

Helps with extreme exhaustion, anxiety, good for dry eczema, acne. It acts as a respiratory tonic, asthma, muscular aches and pains, rheumatism. Helps to strengthen immunity. Helps with Hyper-thyroidism. Emotionally this oil can help a person when life has been hard for a long time, it gives promise. Aids understanding of adversity. (Can be a skin irritant - patch test first)

Thyme - thymus vulgaris.jpg

Thyme thymol (Thymus vulgaris)

Powerful anti-bacterial, anti-viral oil. Helps most infectious diseases. Good for the first aid kit at home. Helps all respiratory functions. A great cleanser (Avoid in pregnancy, high blood pressure, use in low concentration only)

Ylang ylang - cananga odorata.jpeg

Ylang ylang (Cananga odorata)

Excellent skin care oil, good for all skin types. Great for hair growth. Helps reduce high blood pressure and heart palpitation. ~helps with insomnia and emotional issues. (Can cause headaches due to heavy scent, use in moderation)

Arnica - arnica montana macerated.jpg

Arnica (Arnica montana)

Anti-inflammatory, great for bruises and sprains, helps with heart circulation. Helps relieve rheumatic pain and other painful inflamed skin conditions. Knits bone fragments and breaks. Reduces fever, helps with sunburn and nappy rash. (Avoid in pregnancy - do not use on broken or sensitive skin) MACERATED

Carrot seed Base - daucus carota macerated.jpg

Carrot base (Daucus aroma sub sativus)

Excellent for treating eczema and psoriasis. Soothes itching skin, is a good skin rejuvenator, heals scar tissue, combats acne and irritated skin. `helps with ageing and dry skin types. High in beta-carotene. MACERATED

Hazelnut - corylus avellana base.jpg

Hazelnut (Corylus avellana)

Helps with skins firmness and elasticity, strengthens capillaries and generates cells. Prevents c coronary artery disease and increases good cholesterol. Good for anaemia. `helps waste through directive tract. (Do not use if you suffer from nut allergies)

Sesame seed - Sesamum indicum base.jpg

Sesame seed (Sesamum indium)

Combats anaemia, beneficial for rheumatism and all skin conditions. Can be used to repel lice as a base. It has good moisturising properties, teats haemorrhoids. Contains anti-oxidants

Sunflower base - Helianthus annuus base.jpg

Sunflower (Melianthus annus)

Anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, direction and expectorant properties. `helps with asthma, osteoarthritis, helpful with pulmonary and bronchial issues. Due to its magnesium content they act as prevention against heart attacks and strokes.


Benzoin (Styrax benzoin)

Excellent for irritated and inflamed skin. Rheumatism, gout and bronchitis.

Black pepper - Piper Nigrum.jpeg

Black pepper (piper nigrum)

This oil has a warming and penetrating odour and is very stimulating and strengthens the nervous system. Useful for muscular aches and pains, tired and aching limbs, arthritis.

Carrot seed - daucus carota.jpg

Carrot seed (Daucus carota)

Excellent for eczema, psoriasis, rash, wrinkles. God to rid the body of excess toxins.

Celery seed (Apium graveolens).jpg

Celery seed (Apium graveolens) 

Historically this has been long recognised with digestive assistance, liver cleansing and increases lactation in mothers after birth. It is useful to treat arthritis and rheumatism. A great diuretic hence helps with water retention. 

Chamomile morrocan - Ormenis multicaulis.jpg

Chamomile Maroc (Ormenis multicaulis)

Good for migraine, nervous tension as it has a calming effect. Helps with cracked skin, eczema and dry skin. Useful for muscular aches and pains

Citronella - Cymbopogon nardus.jpg

Citronella (Cymbopogon nardus)

Excellent oil for excessive perspiration, oily skin. Used for insect repellant, fleas in dogs minor infections and nerve pain. (Avoid during pregnancy)

Coriander - coriandrum sativum.jpg

Coriander (Coriandrum sativum)

Excellent oil to get rid of accumulation of fluids and toxins. Treats arthritis and gout, muscular aches and pain. Good immune boosting essential oil

Cypress - cupressus sempervirens.jpg

Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens)

Good for oily and over hydrated skins. Excessive perspiration, varicose veins. Good for cellulite, muscular cramps and poor circulation. For respiratory it helps with asthma, bronchitis and spasmodic coughing.

Eucalyptus peppermint - eucalyptus dives.jpg

Eucalyptus peppermint (Eucalyptus dives)

Helps with headaches, muscle aches and pains. Relieves symptoms of flu cold, fevers and coughs. Heals cuts, sores, boils, ulcers and acne.

Frankincense - Boswellia thurifera.jpg

Frankincense (Boswellia thurifera)

Good for dry mature complexion, scars, wounds and wrinkles. Treatment of asthma, bronchitis, laryngitis, colds, flu. Useful for anxiety and nervous tension.

Grapefruit - Citrus paradisi.jpeg

Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi)

Good for congested and oily skin, promotes hair growth, treats acne. Excellent for cellulite, water retention, fat loss, muscle fatigue and stiffness (photo-toxic)

Jasmin - Jasminum officinale.jpg

Jasmin absolute (Jasminum grandiflorum)

Excellent for dry sensitive and irritated skin. An amazing oil for uterine disorders, frigidity and a true aphrodisiac. Helps with treating depression and other deep routed emotional issues. (Avoid during pregnancy)

Lavender spike (Lavandula latifolia).jpg

Lavender spike (Lavendula latifolia) 

Helps with depression, nervous tension, insomnia, migraine, headaches, vertigo, Sciatica and hypertension. Great for the skin as well to treat ringworms, athletes foot, burns, dandruff, eczema to name a few. 

Lavender True - Lavandula aungustifolia.jpg

Lavender true (Lavandula augustifolia)

Excellent treatment for acne, burns, dandruff, inflammations and psoriasis. Muscular aches and pains. Anti-fungal, anti-septic. A first aid oil and basically an all-rounder

Lime - Citrus aurantifolia.jpg

Lime (Citrus reticulata)

Good for acne, brittle nails, boils, corns, varicose veins, insect bites and warts. Helps with respiratory issues and good immune stimulant. Stimulates appetite and calms digestion (Photo-toxic)

Hyssop - Hysspous officinalis.JPG

Marjoram sweet (Origanum marjorana)

Excellent to treat bruising, muscular stiffness. Helps with asthma and bronchitis. Colic, headaches, insomnia and stress relation conditions (Avoid in pregnancy)

Myrrh - Commiphora myrrha.jpg

Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha)

Excellent oil to treat fungal infections, chapped dry skin, eczema, wrinkles. Good for asthma, bronchitis, coughs, mouth ulcers. (Avoid in pregnancy)

Niaoli - melaleuca viridiflora.jpg

Niaouli (Melaleuca virdiflora)

Helps with acne, burns, cuts and insect bites. Good for muscular aches, asthma, sinus, sore throat, colds and fever. Clears the head

Origanum - Carydothymus capitatus.jpg

Origanum (Carydothymus capitatus)

Traditional remedy for digestive upsets, respiratory issues like asthma, bronchitis, colds, flu. It is beneficial in treating rheumatism and general aches and pains (Avoid in pregnancy, can be a skin irritant, use low dose)

Patchouli - pogostemin cablin.jpg

Patchouli (pogostemon cablin)

Excellent for treatment of acne, athletes foot, crack dry skin, dandruff, weeping eczema, fungal infections, hair care, oily hair and skin. Insect repellant.

Pine - pinus pinaster.jpg

Pine (Pinus pinaster)

Good to treat arthritis, lumbago, muscular aches, stiffness in joints, asthma, bronchitis, sinus. Helps with nervous exhaustion. Immune stimulant. Great disinfectant.

Rose Damascus - rose damescena.jpg

Rose absolute (Rosa damascena)

Excellent to treat dry sensitive and matured complexions, wrinkles. Very calming, helps with depression, panic stress. Excellent as a uterine tonic, irregular menstruation, impotence, sterility. (Avoid in pregnancy)

Sandalwood - santalum album.jpg

Sandalwood (Santalum album)

Treats acne, dry cracked and chapped skin types, barbers rash for men, oily skin, an excellent moisturiser. Helps all respiratory conditions, like dry persistent coughs, sore throats. Helps treat depression and insomnia

Tagetes - Tagetes minuta.jpg

Tagetes (Tagetes minuta)

Excellent treatment for calluses, corns, fungi. Great to ward off colds, colic, whooping cough and mumps.

Valerian - Valerina officinalis.jpg

Valerian (Valeriana officinalis)

Best oil to treat insomnia, sleep aid, nervous indigestion, migraine, restlessness and tension. ~it is also a pain reliever.

Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens).jpg

Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens)

A powerful oil to treat multiple conditions as arteriosclerosis, arthritis, asthma, muscular aches and pains (excellent), fractured bones, Crohn's disease, fatty liver, indigestion, headaches, IBS, multiple sclerosis, Lymphatic system cleaning, sciatica and a number of neuro-muscular disorders. In the olden days American Indians brew tea from the leaves to treat rheumatism, and support achy muscles. It has aspirin like qualities. (Avoid during pregnancy, usage on infants and young children and nursing women)

Valerian (Valeriana officinalis).jpg

Valerian (Valeriana officinalis)

One of the best oils to treat insomnia, restlessness, panic attacks and nervous headaches. It helps with backache and muscle spasms. Helps with heart palpitations and neuralgia. (Avoid during pregnancy and on babies and children)

Yarrow blue (Achillea millefolium).jpg

Yarrow blue (Achillea millefolium) 

One of the best oils to use for the skin to treat acne, burns, warts, eczema, rashes, allergies, ulcers, varicose veins, wounds, promotes hair growth. It helps with rheumatoid arthritis, it is a vascular tonic and great for the digestive system, helps with colic like cramps, encourages appetite, aids detoxification from drugs and alcohol. Great to treat cystitis, bladder and kidney infections and painful period pains. (Avoid in pregnancy, on babies and children) 

Amond sweet base - Prunus amygdalis.jpeg

Almond sweet (Prunus amygdalis)

Helps strong healthy nails, good for burns, thread veins, helps chapped skin. Reduces high cholesterol, relieves dry and itchy skin. Good for all skin types (Avoid if you suffer from nut allergy)

Avocado - Persea americana base.jpg

Avocado (Persea americana)

Excellent for undernourished, climate damaged and ageing skin. Rich in chlorophyll, anti-wrinkle, improves elastin and helps dehydrated skin. Useful to treat nappy rash. Excellent for hair growth

Evening primrose - Oenothera biennis base.jpg

Evening primrose (Oenothera biennia)

Excellent for inflammation and immunity. Treats eczema, psoriasis, PMS, weight reduction and rheumatoid arthritis. Helps lower blood pressure, helps with thrombosis, regulates oestrogen and progesterone. Used in multi sclerosis. (Avoid if epileptic)

Jojoba - Simmondsia chinensis base.jpeg

Jojoba (Simmomdsia chinesis)

Has anti-bacterial properties that resist spoilage and rancidity. Has natural healing and moisturising properties, composed of liquid wax, chemical composition is close to the skins own oil. Used for all skin types, eczema, psoriasis, sunburn, nappy rash and more

Soya base - glycine max base.jpg

Soya (Glycine max)

Suitable for all skin types, benefits joints. Lowers cholesterol by decreasing cholesterol absorption in the gut. Roasted seeds are used as coffee substitute.

Walnut base - juglans regia base.jpg

Walnut (Juglans regia)

Its an astringents, anti-fungal and anti-septic base. Has diuretic properties. Internally it is a remedy for low back pain, weakness in legs, chronic cough asthma, anaemia and stones in urinary tract. Externally for dermatitis and eczema. Helps menstrual issues

Bergamot - Citrus bergamia.jpeg

Bergamot (Citrus bergamia)

For oily skin, psoriasis, acne and eczema. Helps with anxiety and stress. Uplifting and revitalising (Photo-toxic)

Cajeput - melaleuca cajeputi.jpg

Cajeput (melaleuca cajeput)

Great for sinus and viral infections, asthma and arthritis. (May irritate the skin if used in high concentration)

Cedarwood atlas - cedrus atlantica.jpg

Cedarwood atlas (Cedrus atlantica)

Treatment for acne, dandruff, fungal infection, hair loss. For the respiratory it helps with bronchitis, cough and congestion. For skeletal system it helps with arthritis and rheumatism (Avoid during Pregnancy)

Chamomile roman - Anthemis nobilis.gif

Chamomile Roman (Anthemis nobilis)

Excellent for skin treatments, allergies, boils, burns, inflammation, rashes. Useful for headaches, insomnia and stress related conditions.

Clary sage-Salvia Sclarea.jpg

Clary sage (Salvia sclarea)

Amazing oil for treating acne, boils dandruff, hair loss, inflamed skin and more. Useful in treating high blood pressure, muscular aches, asthma, throat infections. Excellent for woman condition like PMS and period pains. (Avoid during pregnancy - Do not use while drinking alcohol)

Cubeb - Piper cubeba.jpg

Cubeb (Piper cubeba)

Stimulates mind, aids fatigue, good for dermatitis and useful for the respiratory system and a good immune stimulant

Eucualyptus Globulus - Eucalyptus globulus.jpeg

Eucalyptus globulus (Eucalyptus globulus)

Used for burns cuts, insect bites, lice, wounds. Helps with Rheumatoid arthritis, and sprains. Excellent for asthma, bronchitis, sinus and throat infections, epidemics, flu, measles and headaches. (Avoid if epileptic and High blood pressure)

Eucalyptus radiata.jpg

Eucalyptus radiata (Eucalyptus radiata)

Excellent for burns, cuts, bruises, insect bites, lice, wounds. Supports rheumatoid arthritis and sprains. Good for asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, and throat infections, epidemics and chicken pox.

Galbanum (Ferula galbaniflua.jpg

Galbanum (Ferula galbaniflua)

Supports erratic mood swings, great for the skin, scar tissue, wounds, softens wrinkles, calms and heals ulcers. Great for water retention, menopause, PMS, menstrual cramps and induces menstruation. (Avoid during pregnancy)

Gernaium - pelargonium graveolens.jpg

Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens)

Excellent in treating acne, bruises, broken capillaries, oily complexion. Excellent immune booster. A great woman oil for menopause and PMS.

Helichrysum - Helichrysum italicum.jpg

Helichrysum (Helichrysum augustifolium)

Very good for treating acne, allergic skin conditions, boils, burns, cuts, dermatitis, inflammation of the skin, sports and wounds. Good for muscular aches and sprains, asthma, chronic coughs. Treats bacterial infections. Helps with depression, nervous exhaustion and stress (Avoid during Pregnancy)

Juniper berry - juniperus communis.jpg

Juniper berry (Juniper communis)

It clears, stimulates the nerves in the body. Regarded as one of the most effective detoxifiers and a diuretic. Useful for treating gout, arthritis, rheumatism and cellulite (Avoid in pregnancy and with those who have kidney disease)

Lemon - Citrus limonum.png

Lemon (Citrus limonum)

Good for treating acne, boils, corns, warts, oily skin types. Helps to give shine to hair. Helpful to treat cellulite, high blood pressure, colds fever, flu, all respiratory infections. An all-rounder as well (Photo-toxic)

Mandarin - citrus reticulata.jpg

Mandarin (Citrus reticulata)

Helpful in treating acne, congested and oily skin, scars and stretch marks. Helps with fluid retention. Great to treat insomnia and excellent for digestive disorders.

May chang - litsea cubeba.jpg

May chang (Litsea cubeba)

Known as the ‘happy oil’, very uplifting, stimulants the happy hormones, also known as a tonic for the heart . Great for the cardiovascular system

Myrtle - Myrtus communis.JPG

Myrtle (Myrtus communis)

Treats acne, oily skin and open pores. Useful to treat asthma, bronchitis, chronic coughs, cold, flu, infectious diseases. Suitable for children cough and chest complaints.

Nutmeg - Myristica fragrans.jpg

Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans)

Useful in treating rheumatism, arthritis, gout, poor circulation, muscular pains. Excellent for sluggish digestion. Good anti-bacterial also helpful for nervous fatigue (Avoid in Pregnancy)

Oakmoss (Evernia prunastri).jpg

Oak Moss (Everia prunastri)

It is calming for the nervous system. Aphrodisiac. Emotionally it ties us to the past, like forgotten pain and problems that affect our subconscious. Allows for a deep let go. Historically it was used to visualise increased abundance.

Palmarosa - cymbopogon martini.jpg

Palmarosa (Cymbopogon martini)

Good for treating dermatitis, scars, stretch marks, thread veins, mature sensitive skin. Good for poor circulation and colic. A wonderful oil to treat anxiety, depression, nervous tension, PMT, shock and emotional pain.

Peppermint - mentha pipertia.png

Peppermint (`mentha piperita)

Treats acne, dermatitis, scabies, toothache, muscular pains. Excellent for respiratory issues, asthma, bronchitis, colds, fevers. Helps with colic, cramps, nausea, fainting spells, headaches and more. An all rounder (Avoid on infants, pregnancy, epilepsy, use small amounts)

Ravensara - ravensara aromatica.jpg

Ravensara (Ravensara aromatica)

Excellent oil for treating colds, coughs, flu, sinus, chest congestions, viral infections and more. Immune stimulant, helps with glandular fever. Safe to use on children and elderly as a preventative method.

Rosewood - aniba rosaeodora.jpg

Rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora)

Helps with acne, athletes foot, dermatitis, scars, wounds. Good to treat wrinkles, dull dry skin. Helps with fevers, infections and stimulates immune system (Avoid if you suffer from endometriosis and oestrogen based cancers)

Snowbush cape - Eriocerphalus africanus .jpg

Snowbush cape (Eriocephalus africanus)

Great to treat insomnia. Very relaxing and soothing oil, calming. A great immune stimulating oil. `helps treat painful menstruation. Muscular aches and pains

Spikenard (Nardostachys jatamansi).jpg

Spikenard (Nardostachys jatamansi) 

Excellent for the skin, helps with psoriasis, rashes, allergies, rejuvenates incurable skin issues, regenerates skin. Helpful for muscle aches and pains. Good for varicose vein treatment, regulates heartbeat, stimulates venous flow. Helps with throat infections and regulates the hormones. (Avoid in pregnancy)

Tea tree - melaleuca alternifolia.png

Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia)

Anti-septic, anti-bacterial, anti-viral. A first aid oil for cleansing wounds, bruises, cuts, insect bites and more. Excellent to ward off infectious diseases.

Vanilla (Vanilla fragrans).jpg

Vanilla (Vanilla fragrans)

Used a lot in the culinary world, baking and more. You will find candles with vanilla fragrance as well as perfumes. In aromatherapy this is a beautiful oil to use for just that purpose.  However it helps on a psychological level to calm emotions, anger, frustration and eases tensions. (Avoid during pregnancy and with babies and children)

Vetiver - vetiveria zizaniodes.jpg

Vetiver (Vetiveria zizaniodes)

Great for the treatment of acne, cuts, oily skin and wounds, wrinkles. Helps with arthritis, muscle stiffness and pain, specially frozen shoulders. ~Useful to treat depression, insomnia and good stress releaser. (Avoid in early pregnancy)

Apricot kernal - Prunus armerniaca base.jpg

Apricot kernel (Prunus armerniaca)

Good for premature dry and inflamed sensitive skin type. Relieves itching and eczema. Reduces cholesterol levels

Calendula - calendula officinalis macerated.png

Calendula (Calendula officinalis)

Decreases symptoms of varicose veins and venous congestion. Promotes granulation in open wounds, reduces swelling, blisters and swelling. Excellent to treat burns or scald with weeping and throbbing infection. Helps scar tissue, bruises, eczema, tissues. MACERATED

Grapeseed base - Vitis vinifera base.jpg

Grape seed (Vitis vinifera)

Excellent for good gum health and skin toning. Absorbs readily into the skin, excellent moisturiser for dry skin. Helps to clear toxins from body and useful during PMS. Helps with eczema and allergic reactions to skin. Reduces LDL and increases HDL

Rosehip seed - Rosa rubiginosa base.jpg

Rosehip seed (Rosa rubiginosa)

Excellent for skin regeneration, scars and scar tissue, wounds, burns, eczema, ulcers, acne, tissue regenerator. Prevents premature ageing, wrinkles, stretch marks and acts as a diuretic.

St Johns Wort base - hypericum perforatum macerated.jpg

St. Johns Wort (Hypericum perforatum)

Best wound oil, helps with allergies, eczema, glandular swelling, gout, arthritis, insect stings, bites, sunburn, open wounds, pain, prickly heat, shingles, sciatica. It has proven to work with depression, chronic fatigue, hysteric conditions and more. MACERATED

Wheatgerm - triticum durum base.jpg

Wheatgerm (Triticum vulgare)

Good for dry skins, dermatitis, matured damaged skin. Helps repair sun damaged skin, eczema, chapped and devitalised skin. Helps with varicose veins as said to be an anticoagulant. Natural anti-oxidant, good for hair conditioning and ageing skin. (Do not use if allergic to wheat)