Egypt, The Land of Pharaohs and a Thousand Suns
Hi from Cairo… My first day in this amazing city and ready for my tour to the amazing Pyramids, Sphinx and the newly opened museum. Can’t wait to explore and see the beautiful healing sights of this magnificent place. I am coming back to Egypt after almost 15 years and it feels like I never left. I am so connected to the Egyptian civilisations, as since my young days I have always been drawn to Egyptian artefacts and history.
I am sure I was an Egyptian in my previous lifetime as I have collected so many different souvenirs and papyrus papers and figures during my time. In fact my home is filled with them. I am not sure how some of you feel when you visit a city, you kind of feel drawn to it, for me I have always been connected to Egypt, the energy, the Pharaohs and let's not forget Aromatherapy. It has been in use since 6000 years and in all the books regarding Egypt it mentions, the way they used it in the mummification process of their Nobel dead.
Today there are countless perfumeries around Egypt as you cannot make a perfume without essential oils. You walk into any store in the grand bazaar and people call you to come in and customise a perfume just for you with the lovely notes of Jasmin, Lotus, Musk and so much more. In fact the last trip when I was here they said they can create Chanel no. 5 in 5 minutes and they did and it smelt exactly like Chanel no 5. It is fascinating when you create such amazing aromas. Well this is the reason I studied Aromatherapy to be able to customise any blends and perfumes for my clients and make their day.
I am so grateful to be able to experience all this today and the art of Aromatherapy lives on in many forms and ways in good old Egypt. If you have been fascinated about Aromatherapy and would like to learn how to use it correctly, we have loads of courses for you on our online digital learning platform. They are cost effective and very easy to do at your own pace. So do not hesitate if you are interested in creating perfumes, skin formulations, bath bombs, creams, lotions or whatever you fancy. There is a course that feels right for you.
For those that celebrate the Festival of Lights, I would like to wish you an advanced ‘Happy Diwali’. May the goddess Laxmi shower you with blessings and light. I will be on the Nile cruise during Diwali and thinking of all of you being showered with divine blessings.
I will continue offering at a reduced rate Jin Shin Jyutsu sessions and Clinical Reflexology, so do book in and take advantage of this rate. Until next time enjoy October as the weather is getting better… Keep smiling...