Happy Easter
Hello Everyone...Well it's already mid-April and time is escalating as usual. Sometimes I wonder where the time goes as there is so much to do and so little time. Not sure how you all feel about that, but sometimes it's scary
I am still in London and the weather is lovely not too hot or cold as spring is really here. Each day when I walk in the park I see how beautiful the flowers are, with many new blooms. So many new discoveries and so many flowers, it just takes my breath away. A really beautiful time to experience the change.
Well Easter is just around the corner and there is so much to do. People are rushing about getting ready for the long weekend. We are going to Oxford to a farmhouse to spend the day on Easter Friday and I heard that the weather will be lovely. A great time to spend together with the family and make some fun memories.
I am back to Dubai on 25th April after 6 weeks in London and am looking forward to get back in touch with my clients and offer them my signature treatments. I look forward to connecting again and would like to inform you that we will be offering our famous practical short courses in person as well, so if you are interested to learn how to do a massage, or Reflexology, do get in touch with me and we can set up a schedule for you.
Ofcourse let's not forget our online digital platform which has been up and running for a year. We have new students joining regularly, so if you are interested to study Clinical Aromatherapy and become accredited, do sign up or if you just want to study something useful for yourself, do check out our short courses on www.theholisticalternatives.org
I wish each and everyone of you a Happy Easter, may it bring much love and joy to you all. Until next time, Keep smiling!!!