Summer Learning

Hello everyone and hope you are having a fantastic summer.  Gosh I heard that temperatures had reached 50.5 degrees celsius in Dubai this time and that is extremely hot... Hope you are all keeping cool with some of the amazing tips we have shared on our social media to keep cool this summer.  Apparently it is hot all over, Europe too is having their hottest summer, so is UK and USA. So guys please please take heed of the tips I have shared on our social media and take care of yourselves.
Presently I am in Hong Kong and sitting in quarantine, Day 5 now and boy it sure is interesting to experience something like this from the time we exited the plane until we reached our Hotel.  I will surely share another blog on my experience in the Hotel, what I did to pass my 7 days and what we had to go through to get out and see our family. Belief me if it was not for my mum I would not have made this trip. It is an ordeal but I also boil it down to experiencing something like this as no where else in the world, do they have such strict regulations as they have here in Hong Kong. Also it's time to celebrate HK's 25th year handover to China, hence 1st July will be full of celebrations here.
For the month of July commencing mid-July to mid-August I am offering a weight loss program for some of you who might be struggling to loose those extra stubborn pounds. I am offering a combination package of 2 sessions each of Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Clinical Reflexology and Jin Shin Jyutsu at a great price, so do look out for this and book early for your 6 sessions.  For those of you interested in Alternative Medicine, I shall be presenting a webinar on 15th & 16th July virtually called 'Aromatherapy and the Psychology of Pain' at The Advancements in the Healing Power of Nature Seminar in Prague. Do sign up if interested to join, as there will be many interesting speakers in this amazing seminar.
Happy July to all of you, enjoy your summer vacation with family and friends and stay cool.... Keep smiling

Sunita Teckchand