

The IFPA Level 4/5 Holistic Aromatherapy comprises of the following units:

– Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology (Distance learning with support)
– Professional Conduct and Business Awareness
– Aromatherapy Theory
– Therapeutic Massage Theory
– Therapeutic Massage Practical
– Aromatherapy Massage Practical

The main aim of the IFPA (International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists – UK) is to enable candidates to provide professional Holistic treatments for the purpose of stress release. It uses blending of essential oils for relaxation and treating other ailments.

Holistic Aromatherapy includes the study of 66 essential oils, 20 base oils and 4 herb oils, along with the chemical constituents, contraindications and safety data of each oil.
In the Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology unit, the candidates will self-study the human body systems and diseases. Support will be provided throughout the program with on line tests, assignments and homework. The Professional Conduct and Business awareness module will cover the practitioner’s code of conduct and ethics, as well as the business acumen necessary to suit a professional career.

Successful completion of this certificate is determined by case studies carried out by the candidate amounting to 140 hours of treatments (10 clients x 6 sessions each for Aromatherapy and 10 clients x 6 sessions for Therapeutic Massage). Candidates doing this course with massage will have to complete, 4 written theory exams and 1 Therapeutic Massage Practical and 1 Aromatherapy Practical evaluation.

Aromatherapy is a treatment designed to help maintain physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing by the correct application of pure essential oils. The word ‘aroma’ means a fragrance or sweet smell and the word therapy simply means a treatment designed to bring about a positive change in an individual.
Since an aromatherapy treatment is concerned with creating balance and equilibrium within a person, its primary uses are to calm, uplift, detoxify, de-stress and invigorate – in others words, to help the body to help itself to regain health or wellbeing.

Although many people assume that aromatherapy is simply a fragrant massage, the real effects of clinical aromatherapy treatments can be deeper and more therapeutic than this.
Aromatherapy is not always integrated with massage – there are many ways that essential oils can be used to positive effect. Other methods include:
• Inhalation
• Bathing
• Lotions/Creams
• Compress and more

A professional Aromatherapist will be able to advise you on the right dosage for each method, and the best way for you to incorporate essential oils into your daily routine.

Graduates can gain employment in health and wellness centers, salons, spas, cruise liners, NHS trust and various other parts of the health industry.


Course Modules In House Learning Hours Case Study Cost (AED)
Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology Distance Learning 100 Hours 3,500
Professional Conduct & Business Awareness 36 Hours 14 Hours 4,400
Therapeutic Massage Theory 20 Hours 20 Hours 2,967
Therapeutic Massage Practical 20 Hours 60 Hours 2,783
Aromatherapy Theory 72 Hours 160 Hours 12,760
Aromatherapy Practical 50 Hours 80 Hours 8,280
Total 198 Hours 394 Hours 31,500/-

Total Hours: 592 Guided Learning Hours
*Minimum number of students required for course commencement.

Payment Plan:

40% payment upfront (AED12600.00)
Balance AED18900.00 into 3 payments of 2 months gap (adding 10% for payment plan) AED20790.00
AED20790.00 into 3 payments AED6930.00 every 2 months

Distance Learning, Courses catered according to your schedule, Study at your own pace, Easy payment plan! 

Therapeutic massage can be added as a top up later on. Please ask for details…


The IFPA Level 4/5 Holistic Aromatherapy (Non-Massage) comprises of the following units:

– Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology (Distance learning with support)
– Professional Conduct and Business Awareness
– Aromatherapy Theory

Holistic Aromatherapy includes the study of 66 essential oils, 20 base oils and 4 herb oils, along with the chemical constituents, contraindications and safety data of each oil.
In the Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology unit, the candidates will self-study the human body systems and diseases. Support will be provided throughout the program with on line tests, assignments and homework. The Professional Conduct and Business awareness module will cover the practitioner’s code of conduct and ethics, as well as the business acumen necessary to suit a professional career.

Successful completion of this certificate is determined by case studies carried out by the candidate amounting to 160 hours of making blends (20 clients x 8 blends each). Further a written theory exam for all 3 modules will be required.

Course Modules In House Learning Hours CaseStudy Cost(AED)
Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology (Distance Learning with support) 100Hrs 3,500
Professional Conduct & Business Awareness 36Hrs 14Hrs 4,400
Aromatherapy Theory 72Hrs 160Hrs 12,760
Total 108Hrs 274 Hrs 20,660/-

Total Hours: 382 Guided Learning Hours

40% payment upfront (AED8265.00)
Balance AED12395.00 into 3 payments of 2 months gap (adding 10% for payment plan) AED13,635.00
AED13635.00 into 3 payments AED4545.00 every 2 months

Distance Learning, Courses catered according to your schedule, Study at your own pace, Easy payment plan! 

Therapeutic massage can be added as a top up later on. Please ask for details…

For more details about IFPA please visit –